Self Care Plan
List activities that you enjoy: Write down activities that you enjoy doing, such as listening to music, reading, taking a bath, or spending time with friends.
Identify activities that help you relax: Write down activities that help you feel relaxed, such as yoga, meditation, or taking a walk in nature.
Identify activities that help you feel energized: Write down activities that help you feel energized and rejuvenated, such as exercising or dancing.
Schedule self-care activities: Choose at least one self-care activity from each category and schedule them into your week.
Create a self-care plan: Write down your self-care plan for the week, including the self-care activities you will engage in, the days and times you will engage in them, and any additional notes or reminders.
Check in with yourself: At the end of each week, reflect on your self-care plan and how it worked for you. Were there any activities that were particularly helpful? Are there any adjustments you need to make for the following week?