Worksheet: Identifying & Challenging Negative Thoughts

By completing this worksheet, you can begin to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and develop more realistic and positive ways of thinking about yourself and your situations.

Step 1: Identify the Negative Thought

Write down the negative thought that is causing you distress. For example: “I’m a failure because I made a mistake at work.”

List the evidence that supports the negative thought. For example: “I made a mistake and my boss was upset with me.”

Step 3: Identify the Alternative Interpretation

Consider other possible explanations for the situation that are less negative. For example: “Making mistakes is a normal part of learning and growth. My boss was upset, but it doesn’t mean I’m a failure.”

Step 4: Evaluate the Evidence for and Against Each Interpretation

List the evidence that supports and contradicts each interpretation. For example:

Evidence for negative interpretation: I made a mistake and my boss was upset with me.

Evidence against negative interpretation: Making mistakes is a normal part of learning and growth. My boss has been supportive of me in the past.

Evidence for alternative interpretation: Making mistakes is a normal part of learning and growth. My boss was upset, but it doesn’t mean I’m a failure.

Evidence against alternative interpretation: I have a history of being hard on myself and feeling like a failure when I make mistakes.

Step 5: Choose the Most Realistic Interpretation

Based on the evidence, choose the interpretation that is most realistic and helpful. For example: “Making mistakes is a normal part of learning and growth. My boss was upset, but it doesn’t mean I’m a failure.”

Step 6: Develop an Action Plan

Identify specific actions you can take to challenge the negative thought and reinforce the more realistic interpretation. For example:

  • Practice self-compassion and remind myself that everyone makes mistakes.
  • Talk to my boss about how I can learn from the mistake and improve in the future.
  • Practice positive self-talk and remind myself of my past successes and accomplishments.